Bushra Abu Mesto Success Story

Damma-hug believes that the dignity is a right for everyone and seeks to promote the participatory approach for the different community members as well as pays a great attention in sustainable development and support the civic space to reach a peaceful society.
Read MoreThe classrooms are ready to recieve students and teachers at the school. To draw a smile on children's faces, you must continue the learning process to build a better future and protect them from violence and exploitation.
Damma-Hug empowers and encourages women to feel strong and confident to improve themselves. In addition to providing equal rights for women to enhance their social, economic, and political participation.
Damma-Hug delivers help and hope to children through an equal and fair education chance for everyone. In addition to improving the incubating environment for the child through (PSS) directed at the child and the family.
Damma-Hug envisions a safe and dignified community for all individuals and children including those in need and delivering specialized protection services for the most vulnerable group. In addition to working to ensure full respect for human rights. The protection sector includes: Child protection, Gender-based violence (GBV), Community-based protection (CBP), Psychosocial Support (PSS).
Damma-Hug provides non-discriminatory support for individuals
and communities through facilitating access to skills and resources to expand their capabilities, with the focus on the most vulnerable group.
Damma-Hug works with humanitarian, development, and peace-building activities to promote social stability and build peace through human coexistence. In addition to advocating for human rights.
Women's great powers of creativity and imagination have created stories that exemplify their pain, which turns into a HOPE.